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Growth Data Insights

Overcoming The BIG 5 REVENUE Leaks In Your 2020 Strategic Growth Plan

8/28/20 1:00 PM / by Digital Magenta

There is a missing link that you need to know about for your growth plans. This is a multi-million dollar issue that will stifle your growth and prevent you from accelerating. It’s also preventing you from attracting and retaining top-shelf marketing and sales talent you need to bring you into your next level of growth. Listen to the powerful information shared in this webinar that you can use to incorporate into your plans today.

SPEAKERS: Jennifer Turner (CEO, Digital Magenta) & Alice Chandrasekaran (CIO, Digital Magenta)


Topics: Revenue Growth, Revenue Leaks

Digital Magenta

Hosted by Digital Magenta

Founders Jennifer and Alice have supported their tech and service company clients across North America in generating millions of dollars, uniting their teams, and transforming their decision-making processes. They do this by enabling companies to harness the Growth Data that points the way to predictable growth.